Sunday, March 18, 2012

A RUN in the SUN!

Wow! Can you believe this weather? We literally skipped spring and have gone straight to summer! Though it is already hot, it is so nice to be able to go for a run and not be freezing cold! This afternoon I went  for nice long run in a nearby neighborhood. It is so beautiful outside and I am always so thankful to be able to enjoy God's wonderful creation! Going for a run is a staple activity for me on Sunday afternoon. It gives me time to clear my head and organize my schedule and plans for the upcoming week! Unfortunatley, tomorrow is my first day back to school after spring break :( I am really trying to pump myself up, and it is very HARD! I am determined that tomorrow will be a wonderful day! I only have about one more month left of school and I know I can do it. Hopefully many of you are on the downhill stretch of school and making your way towards summer like me! WE CAN  DO IT!!

This weekend I did some major organizing and spring cleaning for one of my clients! As you know, this is one of my favorite things to do! I know its a little odd that I find so much enjoyment in these activities, but I think its the final product that brings me such satisfaction! She is an elderly lady that lives in an assisted living home, so her room needed some airing out and reorganizing for the upcoming summer months. I'm hoping to post pictures soon of some of the organizing projects I  have recently finished! Not only have I done some organizing for my clients, but my mom and I have also done some organizing at her house too! Unfortunatley, I have lost the battery charger for my camera :(  The only way I have to post pictures is by using my mom's cell phone! Haha! I will try to get on top of this problem quickly for yall!

Tonight is Amazing Race! I don't know if any of you watch Amazing Race, but it is an awesome show! It is a race around the world between 11-12 teams. Every week each team has certain tasks that they have to complete while also not being the last team to make it to the pitstop! I am determined to be on this show one day! I have just got to find someone to do it with me... Catch it tonight at 8pm!

I wish yall a blessed week and hope that whether you are headed back to school, or beginning you spring break that it is wonderful!

Have a happy week!

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