Monday, July 9, 2012

July 2012 Jogging Journey

Being the runner girl that I am, I am currently training for a 5k and a triathalon in August and a 10k in September! I am super excited about these upcoming races! As a form of accountability for myself, I want to take some time each day to update you on the distance I have run and foods that I have eaten. This will be a constant reminder and form of encouragement for me, and hopefully you too, to be healthy! This morning I only ran 2 miles because I woke up a little later than planned and it was already steaming hot outside. I also didn't have my ipod! Ahhhh! That little piece of technology is my life saver when running. Though I didnt run very far today it is okay because yesterday I ran 4 miles and biked 4 miles. It is important not to overwork your body, so therefore the shorter run was probably a good thing for today. Below are my meals for the day! Also remember to check out the Sunday Sampler for some awesome dinner ideas for the week! I don't always eat what is on the Sunday Sampler myself, but I like to create it to give you ideas for a quick and easy dinners! Try to exercise at some point today and remember to drink plenty of water!

Egg sandwich on whole wheat bread with O'Soy yogurt and a cup of coffee! Great protein and calcium filled breakfast! O'Soy yogurt is organic yogurt that is super healthy for you! Can be bought at most any grocery stores!

For lunch today I  had a bowl of fruit (cantaloupe, grapes, blueberries, and strawberries) and a banana. So refreshing and yummy on such a hot summer day!

Today for dinner I just had a sliced tomato with salt and pepper. There is nothing better than a juicy, ripe tomato in July!

happy exercising!

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