Monday, March 26, 2012

Hello Strangers...

Hey Yall! Well it has officially been forever since my last post. Forever being last Tuesday... I have been so busy with school and work. I'll be honest, sometimes I have to restrict myself from blogging because I cannot put my school on the back burner! I just wanted to take a minute and update you on some of the lastest craziness that has been going on in my life...

 1. School!
I have been very busy with school! I will be completely finished with my semester at the end of April! Not much longer to go! Yay! Luckily, with the Early Childhood Ed. program that I am in, we do not have finals. But, we have lots and lots of projects and papers. I am currently in the process of completing all of that. I am trying to be a good students student by completing assignments early so that I am not cramming for everything at the end! I have only got one more month left and I know I CAN DO IT!!!

2. Crafty Chick!
I have got an awesome crafty job I am working on for a client right now! A lady called me last week about making some party favors for a surprise birthday party she is planning for her husband. I am baking cookies and creating 75 party favor bags with easter grass, cookies, ribbon, and a sweet thank you note attatched. I thought this was the cutest idea and the guest will really appreciate it! I will post some pictures of the final product once I get them complete!

3. Gone Back Home To Alabama...
I don't know if any of you watch the 'Sweet Home Alabama' television show that I told you about, but it was a sad Friday night! I told yall that I just knew Bubba Thompson was going to win...well I was wrong      :( He didn't get the girl, and that good lookin cowboy had go all the way back home broken-hearted! Yall I was devastated! I think I am a little bit to into a show when I feel like I got broken up with when she didn't pick Bubba! LOL! That's ok though...Bubba Thompson proved to all of us single girls that there are still true southern gentlemen who know how to treasure a women out there! Good Luck Bubba! Maybe I'll meet you one day!!

4. Hunger Games...NO WAY!
This weekend my aunt and I went to see 'The Hunger Games.' Was that a mistake or what?! Don't get me wrong, it was a very good movie if you were an adult, but that movie was WAY too violent for children in my opinion. It is kind of scary to me that this is the kind of films that we are creating for our young people today. What is even scarier is that they LIKE IT! As I said, I am not bashing the quality of the movie, it was very good, but way too violent for me!

Last night my aunt and I went to Passion Church in Atlanta! What an awesome experience! We had a little difficulty getting there due to our navigational system (Errrrr...) but it was worth it once we arrived! There are definately some amazing things happening in that church! The series that they are doing right now is called "Boy meets Girl." This was very exciting for me! Bottom desire in life right now is to follow and chase after Christ in everything I do, and he will bring the right guy along when it is time. Until then, I have been having some serious heart wrestling happening with a desire to share my story with young girls just entering the relationship phase of life. I have a strong passion and desire to encourage young girls to embrace who God has created them to be and wait for the man God has for them! I am currently in contact with a friend about working in the middle school department at church and figuring out how I can get involved! Please be praying for me in this area, that God would lead me to exactly where I need to be and that he would use my life as an encouragement to others!

6. The BEACH!
This weekend is my BIRTHDAY! I am so excited because I might be going to the beach! This was decided totally last minute, but if it works out with my cousins, we are off to SUN and SAND on Friday! Hopefully this will work out! I totally want to get away!

I know this is a lot of random stuff, but I just wanted to update yall with what is going on in my life since I haven't blogged in FOREVER! I am praying for all of yall who read my blog, even though I may not know your name, I know you are living in this same CRAZY world I am, and sometimes it's good to know someone cares! Have a BLESSED week!

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