Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Tidy Tuesday Tip!

 Spic, Span, and Spotless!

Hope yall are having a happy Tuesday! I am having a much needed relaxing day! It is my one day of spring break that I do not have to work…so I blog! Today’s Tidy Tuesday Tip is one that I am very fond of. I’m sure like me you dread cleaning out the microwave! It is such a hassle because it is such an awkward place to clean, and you can’t see what you are doing while you’re cleaning. Usually I end up having to place my WHOLE head into the microwave to make sure it’s clean. Another difficulty with cleaning the microwave is that you literally have to scrub your little heart out to get all of the baked on leftovers off! Well I have got a solution! I found this tip in a Reader’s Digest article and it really works! Before you tackle the beast, place a cup of water with some baking soda in it until it’s boiling. That eliminates odors and makes it super easy to wipe away all that stuck on stuff! So if you are doing some cleaning today, like me, try this secret trick out and see what you think! Let me know if it worked for you!
  happy cleaning !

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