Sunday, July 8, 2012

The Sunday Sampler!

The Sunday Sampler. . .

I have decided to change "For Dinner Fridays" to "The Sunday Sampler." Honestly I have more time to plan out my meals for the week on Sundays, so I have decided to give this a shot! I only plan meals for Monday thru Friday, beacuse weekends are always hectic! As the title states, this is just a sample of the meals that I might eat throughout the week. We all have lives and that means that sometimes the schedule doesn't always go as planned. So if you have to skip a night or you dont have time to cook feel free to modify the meals. No worries! I have to do it all the time! My goal in creating a menu each week is just to have a basic idea of some meals for my week and hopefully maintain healthy eating habits!
Avocado BLT with fruit salad


Apple Pecan Spinach Salad (lettuce, sliced apples, pecans, and feta with vinaigrette dressing) with toasted sourdough bread

Fussili pasta with tomato and mozzarella
Grilled Chicken breast sandwiches with fruit salad

Chicken Salad with pita chips, carrots, and corn

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