Sunday, January 13, 2013

The Nosy Nibble!

Hello Everyone! I hope that you all have had a wonderful week and I am so excited to tell you about mine! It was a great first week back at school! Believe it or not, I am not actually too overwhelmed with the work load! All of my professors seem genuinely excited about the semester with us! Ok...Let’s get started!
This week I started a class called PERSPECTIVES on Thursday nights from 6-9pm at Campus View Church! As you have probably figured out from my blog over the past several months I have truly felt the Lord’s call to missions. At this point I do not really know the answers to any of the where, who, why, or what questions just yet, but I know the feeling in my soul. I am so humbled when I look back over the last several years of my life and see how the Lord has been preparing me for this time. Several years ago the Lord led me out of a relationship, not because anything was going wrong with it, but to simply show me how to completely depend on Him with every aspect of my life. Little did I know, that through that experience, He was preparing and strengthening me to maybe one day have to walk away from comfort and familiarities again, in order to spread His unconditional love to others around the world. How GRACIOUS He is!

The class PERSPECTIVES that I am taking focuses on teaching and preparing those who are feeling the call to missions. This Thursday was the first night, and let me tell you it was amazing! The speaker is so simple in his delivery of the messages, but yet very powerful. I know that I have been blessed with so much, and therefore the Lord commands me to go out and serve those less fortunate. I believe that with all of my heart, and that is my only purpose in living! This is not just a choice in life, this is a lifestyle. I NEVER thought that I would have felt this call in my life. Believe me, I have had my own desires of wanting to get married, settle down, and have babies. I still believe that the Lord may have that for me, but I only want it on His terms. I cannot wait to tell you each week what I am learning in PERSPECTIVES, and I hope that it encourages you to live your life for the Lord wholeheartedly, every second of every day!

“The name of the Lord is a fortified tower; the righteous run to it and are safe.” Proverbs 18:10
As I said before, school has been great so far! Though I have to say that I am really ready to graduate! I think this semester is going to be wonderful and I am going to learn a lot. I am still ordering books, getting organized, and filling in the MASTER CALENDAR with important tests and projects. So far, I haven’t started any big assignments, but as soon as I do I will let you know all about it! (Probably more than you want to know! Hehehe!)
This week has been full of happy memories! I am going to have to be better about remembering to write down the “savory” things that happen throughout the week. I think that the most special memories have been the time spent with my sweet, sweet friends this week. I am so thankful for each and every one of them. The Lord has truly blessed me by surrounding me with Christian girls that encourage and love me just for who I am! Each of them loves the Lord so much, and we are all there for each other whenever we need a little extra love and care. Trust me, we go through good times and bad with this career choice, and at times it can be pretty stressful! Somehow, we all have our breakdowns individually and there is always one of us there to pick the other up! I don’t know what we will do when we all break down at once! Lol! That could be scary! Thank you sweet sisters for you love and support! I believe with all of my heart that the Lord has led each of us together for a purpose! I LOVE YOU CASEY, MICHELLE, and LIBBS!
Ok! Here it goes! It is officially time for the SO WHAT’S! I also want to mention that my friend over at “Life After ‘I Dew’” is the founder of SO WHAT’s. I am just using her idea in a different way. Please visit her blog! It is great!

-          - I completely indulged in brownies and ice cream this afternoon!
-          - I am blogging right now instead of exercising like I had planned for today!
-          - My laundry is completely overflowing out the baskets and I have not even begun to wash it! (I guess I’ll do that tomorrow J)
-          - I got a little obsessed with making thank you and Valentine’s Day cards on Shutterfly last night until midnight!
-          - I lost my debit card, cancelled it, and then my dad found it the next day after I had ordered a new one! Ah!
-          - I spent 6 HOURS in one desk at school on Tuesday!
-          - I sleep on my couch every night, and haven’t actually slept in my bed for four months!
-          - I let my hair air dry everyday and I do not even own a hair dryer!

 That’s all for this week! I will get back to ya next week with more nibbles! Have a blessed week!

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