Sunday, January 20, 2013

The Nosy Nibble!

Hey ya'll! I hope you've had an amazing week! I have been quite a busy bee, but also had some pretty fun experiences along the way! Read more to find out!


Wow! The Lord has been doing so much in my life lately! I am so thankful for His love and graciousness. I could probably write my entire post on this topic! To begin, I had my second class of PERSPECTIVES. This class was very different from last week. As I told you in last week's post, every class period we have a different missionary speak. This week the speaker was a missionary in Yemen. His delivery was very theological and I'll be honest after class my head was spinning. Don't get me wrong, it was wonderful, just a lot of information at one time. I tried not to get to discouraged because I know that he has been doing this his entire life, so naturally he is going to know way more than me. Along with class each week I have four to five articles to read, a study guide, and homework responses. It is my goal not to get overwhelmed, so I am trying to read a little bit each day. I have been reading much of this information during my quiet time. I really enjoy studying these articles because it is very beneficial information to me and my spiritual life. 

Mission Trip Updates:
I have some really exciting GOD-SIZED INFORMATION relating to my summer mission plans. I have been in a lot of prayer about where and how the Lord wants to use my life this summer. After emailing Kupendwa Ministries in Jinja, Uganda I have received an application for a summer mission trip. At this point I feel that I need to fill out the application and turn it in and leave the rest in God's hands. I am currently in the process of completing this application. If I do get accepted to this program, I am really going to have to trust the Lord to help me raise support for the trip. I will update more on this when I have more information. Kupendwa Ministries was founded by Amy Washington, a family friend, several years ago. She works with mothers and babies in need. They have many opportunities to help and currently need volunteers. If this is where the Lord wants to use me I am thrilled. If not, I know that He will have other plans. Please be in prayer along with me concerning this decision. For more information about Kupendwa Ministries visit there website at to find out about all of the amazing work they are doing for the Lord!

40 Days of Prayer:
Today, my church began a series called "40 Days of Prayer." We did this last year and are doing it again. This is exactly what it sounds like. Everyone in the church is asked to commit to 40 days of prayer as we begin the new year. We are also encouraged to fast during this time in order to truly commit our time and prayer to the Lord. Feel free to join along in this journey with me if you would like to. I am excited to see what the Lord has to teach me about the year 2013 of my life in this time of prayer!

School is slowing getting busier and more stressful. After last week I now have all of my assignments and have finally finished THE MASTER CALENDAR! I have a lot of reading and lesson planning to do in order to try and get a little ahead. I refuse to get overwhelmed. my favorite class so far is Science. It has been so much fun so far! The teacher has lots of great activity ideas to use in the classroom that students would love! This coming week I will begin my student teaching on Wednesday! I am so excited! I have a feeling I am going to fall in love with each one of these children while I am there! They are each so unique and special!

My savory memories are going to focus on last night! Some friends and I went to the Kip Moore concert at the Georgia Theatre! We had such a great time and got pictures with Kip Moore and "A Thousand Horses" the band that opened for him. Both of them were so good and I think "A Thousand Horses" are one of my new favorite bands! Here are some pictures!

Kip and I!

Here we are anxiously awaiting the concert to begin!

Sing it Kip!

Here is "A Thousand Horses"...I may have a little crush on Micheal to my left...

Ok! Here it goes! It is officially time for the SO WHAT’S! I also want to mention that my friend over at “Life After ‘I Dew’” is the founder of SO WHAT’s. I am just using her idea in a different way. Please visit her blog!

- I am still ordering books for school...whoops!
- I have not cleaned my apartment in over two weeks now...that has to get done this week!
- I am seriously entertaining the idea of going to Disney World soon!
- My cell phone is about to fall apart, but its got to last a little bit longer!
- I officially have three planner/ to-do list sources that I use to organize my life each week!
- I am already planning some of my unit lesson plans and assignments for the end of February!
- i have a date with Michelle, Libby, and Casey to go see "Safe Haven" on Valentine's Day! (We have to find something to since we don't have dates!)

 That’s all for this week! I will get back to ya next week with more nibbles! Have a blessed week!

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