Saturday, January 26, 2013

Cleaning and Crafts!

Hi friends!
Well, I know that technically it is not Sunday, therefore it is not time for a post, but I had some exciting things to show you, and I couldn't wait! To be honest, I have been saving up some projects for this particular post over the past several weeks. It doesn't necessarily fit in a specific spot on “The Nosy Nibble” so I thought I would share it on its own! I entitled this “Cleaning and Crafts” because it is a little bit of both. Let’s start with cleaning!
 Project # 1
Some dear friends of mine that I clean for are having a baby next summer! I have decided to take on some cleaning/organizing projects around the house in order to start preparing. The first undertaking I wanted to accomplish was the basement. So often, it is so easy to have a nice clean basement, but as time passes we tend to just start putting everything and anything in there in order to clean the rest of our house. I have wanted to clean this basement for a long time now, but haven’t had the time! Wella few weeks ago I made the time! Altogether it took me about four hours, and I was pretty impressed! I thought it would take me four days!
Entry Before:
Entry After:

 Shelving Before:

Shelving After:

Basement Before:

Basement After:

Project # 2
The next project I completed was the linen/towel closet organization. The linen closet had gotten quite disorganized sense the last cleaning, as they always do. This was such a fun project because Rylan helped me fold and arrange all of the towels. He liked playing with all of his baby towels. He would fold them and then hand them to me to put in the closet!


There's the cutie himself! How silly!

Now its time for Crafts!
Every Friday I pick up a little girl from school and watch her until her parents get home from work. Last semester I picked her up on Wednesdays but we didn’t have much time to play before I had to drop her off at Trapeze at 4:30. Since I pick her up on Fridays this semester, we have lots of time to play and have fun! Therefore, I developed “Ms. Holly’s Friday Treats!” Every Friday we have an exciting treat that we get to enjoy. She has five treats that she can choose from and she has to let me know which one she wants for the following week the previous Friday. The treats are: Yummy Yogurt, Bake-off Bash, Crafty Chick, Park Playtime, and Giggly Games! Last Friday she chose crafts for yesterday, so that’s exactly what we did, and let me tell you we had fun! I brought my two boxes of craft supplies and we went to town! Here are some of the things we made!

These clips are so cute and they are magnetic!

These are book more folding corners!

More adorable clips!

Thanks so much for checking out today’s post! I’ll be back tomorrow with “The Nosy Nibble” for the week!

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