Sunday, January 27, 2013

The Nosy Nibble!

Well good afternoon! What a super Sunday it is! I went to church and then had a nice long lunch at Longhorns with my aunt! That hamburger was delicious! Hopefully you have had a wonderful week and are excited to find out updates on mine! Here we go!

I would just like to say that I am so BLESSED and God is so good! How thankful I am for his unconditional love and grace! This week I have continued the “40 Days of Prayer” and today is day 8! It has been amazing to see how much God has been teaching me by simply giving Him more of my time. Throughout these forty days I have also decided to fast. I am fasting for dinner and I devote that time to the Lord. I have a lot of questions that I have been taking to the Lord during my quiet times. Somewhere in all those questions I have felt a peace from the Lord that he is with me every minute of every day! I completely lay my life down at the feet of the Lord to do whatever He wants. He will NEVER forsake us! I want you to know that I am praying for each one of you this week, whoever you are. I don’t know what your individual difficulties and struggles are, but I do know that you have a Savior that loves and cares about you specifically, and therefore I will too! I challenge you to participate in the “40 Days of Prayer!” He will do something in your life, and meet you exactly where you are!

WOW! School has been amazing and I absolutely love and adore my class and mentor teacher! I absolutely attribute that to God’s graciousness! The classroom atmosphere is so vibrant and exciting! My mentor teacher is so organized and willing to allow me to participate! In fact, even today she has emailed me all of the lesson plans for the upcoming week! Tomorrow I have planned a fun morning meeting activity and guided reading lesson with a “Graffiti Table!”  
Good Guided Readers!
Morning Meeting Plan!
Graffiti Tables!

So much Savory! This week I am really thankful for how the Lord has been teaching and growing me. His grace overwhelms me! Last night we celebrated my cousin’s birthday at Loco’s and then ate cookie cake! It was yummy! (I ate mine today since I was fasting!) Also this week, I started leading worship for the children at church on Wednesday night. We had such a fun time worshipping and talking about Jesus with these kids!


Ok! Here it goes! It is officially time for the SO WHAT’S! I also want to mention that my friend over at “Life After ‘I Dew’” is the founder of SO WHAT’s. I am just using her idea in a different way. Please visit her blog!

-         I did not clean my apartment like I told you I was going to do last week!
-         I have probably stared at my computer for over 8 hours this week due to SCHOOL! Ahhh!
-         I have not even seen my parents this week also due to school! That makes me sad L
-         It usually takes me trying on 4 outfits before I can decide what to where on “teacher days.”
-         I think my favorite part of being a teacher at times is organizing and making cute worksheets!

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