Saturday, February 2, 2013

The Nosy Nibble!

Hi ya'll! I hope that you have had a fantastic week! Mine has been exciting and fun-filled! A little bit stressful, but manageable with a whole lotta faith! I've got some delicious yummies and cute classroom crafts to share with you, along with many other exciting updates!
This week I have continued with the “40 Days of Prayer!” I really feel that throughout this time the Lord has really been working on the preparation of my life for whatever He has for me. I feel such strong passion from the Lord to use my life for His ministry, and therefore I have been hungering for growth and wisdom. I only want to do what the Lord has for my life! Whatever that is, I lay my life down for Him! I guess the struggle in all of this is not knowing what “IT” is. Trying to find the peace with where the Lord has me right now is my prayer everyday! I pray persistently for clarity, but also not to have an anxious heart.

This week in “Perspectives” we had a review session of everything we have learned thus far! we got to get into groups and discuss great questions such as: How did Jesus choose his disciples? How are we disciples? Do we plan to make more disciples? Putting Mathew 28:18-20 in our own words and explaining what it means, and much more! The Lord is teaching me so much!
School has been slowly getting more stressful. The difficulty comes in lesson planning for student teaching, while also trying to keep up with all of the reading and assignments for my college classes. I guess that is the part that I have to get used to, because as a teacher I will many things to juggle also! I will tell you the secret of my success though…it’s FAITH! I don’t care how much homework I have or how many things I have to do, Jesus comes first! Without Him all of that other stuff would not be possible anyway!

Here is a cute classroom idea that I found on Pinterest earlier this week! This would be such a great way to make sure you know where all of your students are at all times!

This must be in my classroom!!

Check out some of the other fun school activities that I have done this week!

This is the Graffiti Table that I told you about last week! My students and I read the story Animal Tails and labeled the parts of the story!

This is a great science activity to use in your classroom. It uses sand from different parts of the world! Just  make a pattern out of glue and pour the sand over it!

Last but certainly not least! Let's make yummy soup out of things in nature. My students had a competition making soup out of outside materials. They impressed me very much! They listed ingredients and named each of their soups! We had Black Bean Chili,  Roasted Cranberry Herbal Soup with a bread stick, and many more! Their imaginations went wild! Great outdoor activity that only took 15 mins!

So much savory this week! To begin with, the little girl that I babysit and I had a bake-off bash on Friday! A couple weeks ago I shared with you “Ms. Holly’s Friday Treats!” that she chooses an activity from each week. So this week was baking! We made some delicious recipes which I will post below. We made No-bake Golden Oreo Truffles and Cake Batter Pudding Cookies! They were so yummy!  Check out our cooking in the kitchen!

This is a quick and easy project that I made this week, and wanted to include in my "Savory" memories! I made this wreath out of burlap and bobby pins! No Joke! It was super simple! I just gathered the yellow burlap around the wreath and attached it using the bobby pins.

Lastly, my sweet friends and I celebrated a birthday last night! It was Michelle's birthday (the one in the middle) and we reserved a karaoke room at Shokitini and sang/danced our hearts out! It was a blast! Her mom made a beautiful cake and it was yummy too! Her mom actually surprised us at the restaurant with it!

- SO WHAT I have literally spent the last three days of my life sitting on the computer! School is crazy! So much to do!
- SO WHAT I have not been running consistently at all this semester.
- SO WHAT I have a pile of laundry the size of Texas on my bedroom floor!
- SO WHAT I still haven't cleaned my apartment in 3 weeks! That's kind of gross!
- SO WHAT I would rather make cute worksheets for my students than actually work on my school work!
- SO WHAT Valentine's Day is approaching rapidly and I currently have a date with my friends to go see Safe Haven! It's wonderful though! There is no one else I would rather be with!

Here are the “Bake-off Bash” recipes:
No-Bake Golden Oreo Truffles!

·         1 package Golden Double Stuffed Oreos 
·         4 oz. cream cheese you may need to add up to 8 oz.
to get the consistency you want
·         White Dipping Chocolate

1.      Chop Oreos up finely in a food processor. Save some of the finely 
      crushed Oreos for garnish later and set it aside. You don't need too much.
2.      With hands (or a spoon, I just think hands are faster), mash softened cream
       cheese and crushed Oreos until well combined.
3.      Roll into 1" balls and place on a wax covered cookie sheet. 
      Put in freezer for 15 minutes.
4.      While balls are in freezer, melt chocolate according to directions.
5.      Pull the Oreo Truffles out of freezer, and dip into chocolate. Garnish with 
      reserved Oreo crumbs before the chocolate sets up.
6.      Let chocolate set, refrigerate and enjoy!

Cake Batter Pudding Cookies!
1 1/2 sticks (or 3/4 cup) butter
3/4 cup brown sugar
1/4 cup sugar
1 (3.4 oz) package instant vanilla pudding mix, dry
3/4 cup yellow cake mix, dry
2 eggs
1 tsp vanilla
1 tsp baking soda
2-1/4 cups flour”
1/2 tsp salt

Preheat oven to 350 F.
Stir together flour, salt and baking soda and set aside.
In a large bowl, cream butter and sugars together.
Add in pudding package and cake mix and beat until well blended.
Add eggs and vanilla and mix until smooth.
Add flour mixture slowly until well incorporated.
Mix in sprinkles.
Roll into 1″ balls and place on greased baking sheet.
Bake at 350 F for 10-12 minutes.

Have a wonderful week! Love ya!

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