Sunday, February 10, 2013

The Nosy Nibble!

Hello friends! I hope that you have had a fantastic week! I’ll be honest mine has flown by! For some reason this week went by so fast for me. I feel like I blinked my eyes and it was the weekend. I think this is due to how busy I have been. Hopefully yours hasn’t gone by quite so fast, and you made some great memories along the way! Due to my busyness and how fast this week went by, this week’s “Nosy Nibble” is going to be short and sweet!
I am going to be completely honest this week about my time with the Lord. Unfortunately, this week I do not feel that I have spent enough time with the Lord like I should. I do not feel that being busy is any reason for this; in fact it is just an excuse. Trust me; I have reaped the consequences of it too! Along with being busy this week, I have also been super stressed and dealt with constant feelings of inadequacy. This is pretty ironic since last week I told you how important it is to keep Him number one! Well…the point of this blog is not to impress, but be real and I do not want you to think that I am perfect! Actually, I am the complete opposite; I am a sinner and totally swayed due to the ways of this world all of the time. This is why it is my prayer everyday for the Lord to empty me of me, and fill me with Him! I didn’t out Him first this week due to busyness and trying to control everything myself and guess what? I failed. I failed not due to anything terrible happening, but I failed because I tried to do everything without putting Him first. I know I am not the only one who does this; we ALL do! We can’t help it because we are sinners. The absolute most exciting thing I can tell you, despite our mistakes, is that HE LOVES US ANYWAY! No matter what we do, or where we go He will never forsake us. Even when we wonder from Him, He is always there holding us in His hand! So, here is a challenge for you and I this week: PUT HIM FIRST IN EVERYTHING! We have to put Him first in every single area of our lives and I mean EVERYTHING! Even the things that you may think are silly and simple! He loves us, oh how He loves us! How can we not put Him first? No matter what you face or deal with this week He will be with you!
Ephesians 5:18; Acts 4:8-13
School is cool! This week has been really exciting in school, you want to know why? GRADUATION! Our advisor came and talked to us this week about preparing for graduation in May! I am thrilled and excited about the next journey that God has for my life. I don’t know exactly what it will be, but I know He will be with me every step of the way! My graduation date is May 10th and I am counting down the days! Only 3 more months and some odd days!
I have continued to do many fun activities in my classroom, and this week they involved bubbles! In my education classes we have been doing some interesting activities also. Currently, we have been acting out song lyrics about the life cycle! I promise this is not all we do, but only crazy teachers like us would actually enjoy this!
 My savory memories this week are all about the BEACH! My aunt and I booked our condo for the beach this week. It is AWESOME! We are going to Sanibel Island and our condo is beach front! I am super excited and “Beach Bod” preparation is on! We will be going June 8th-15th! Yes, I have already made a master list for beach packing and am currently working on creating a medical supply box! I will post pictures once I get it completed! I’m blogging all of it baby! I have lots of cute packing and travel ideas for our trip that I will tell you all about, including travel “BINGO” and “I Spy”! It is so nice to have something to look forward to! It helps me get through those stressful school projects.  
So What!
-         - I have already made a master list for my beach vacation in June!
-        -  I ran today for the first time in over a week! Like I said, “Beach Bod” preparation is happening now! NO excuses!
-        -  I finally cleaned my apartment Friday, also for the first time in along time! Who cares, it’s done!
-          -While I was cleaning my apartment, I tried to rearrange my furniture literally 10 times, and it is currently the way it was when I started! I couldn't make it work!
-        -  I am making a medical supply box for our beach trip! I know it’s quirky, but it’s fun to create!
-        -  I actually have the goal to complete all of my school readings for the FIRST time this semester! Gotta start somewhere!
-        -  I am completely overwhelmed next week with school! It will be okay though, the Lord will be with me!

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