Saturday, April 13, 2013

Sunshine and Sweet Treats!

Happy Spring! I think that we can officially say that it has arrived! The weather has been gorgeous and I have been trying to soak up the rays. Today was such a wonderful day to relax, open the windows, and let a fresh breeze blow from one end of the house to the other! If only the weather would stay like this all year long! Before I dive into filling you in on my many weekly updates, I wanted to tell you about this delicious sweet treat that I made today! They are mini "Fruit Pizza" cups! I'm sure many of you have indulged in the famous "Fruit Pizza" dessert before, but this version of the recipe prepares perfect bite size portions (aka: you will eat LOTS of them!) Honestly, sometimes I think that "mini" versions of desserts are worse than a normal serving size! Oh well! Enjoy them because you deserve it! There's no better time to enjoy this cool, refreshing little piece of heaven than a warm sunny day like this one!

Fruit Pizza!
1 small pack of readymade sugar cookie dough
4 cups of colorful fruit of your preference
1 - 8 ounces pack/bar of softened cream cheese
1 pack of cool whip

1.       Roll sugar cookie dough into small balls just under an inch and place them in muffin trays, in cup shapes.
2.       Cook sugar cookie cups in the oven at 350 degrees for approx 7 mins,
3.      Whip cream cheese.
4.      Add in cool whip until well integrated.
5.        Transfer the whip in a plastic food storage bag, cut off the corner of the bag with scissors and squeeze out the cream onto the baked cookies.
6.      Play around with the adding of fruits as you like.

Okay! Now that we have our sweet tooth satisfied, I can update you on "All things new" in my life! I am quickly approaching the end of the school semester thank goodness! Yay! As of Monday, April 15th , I will officially have two weeks left of school, and then I am finished! I have my graduation on May 10th and then I will complete my student teaching next fall! My fingers are still crossed that I get to stay with the same mentor teacher that I am with now! Through being in this particular classroom this semester, the Lord has really given me a reassurance and clarity as to how the career choice that I have chosen, really is my ministry and purpose. I'll be honest, last semester I was beginning to doubt and fear that my many years of college were going to be a waste. How good our God is though, and He never fails to reassure and remind me that He is in control of everything! I am absolutely thrilled to begin the journey of student teaching after this summer, and cannot wait to see the experiences that it brings! I think that sometimes in life when we are allowing God to truly be in control, we tend to constantly focus on the end result of what is going to happen once we finally reach our desired "goal," whatever  that may be! I know that I am definitely guilty of that! This week the Lord has really reminded me that it's not about the ending result, but rather what He is doing and how He is growing each and everyone of us as believers along the way! Therefore, we need to live in the moment and embrace exactly what He has laid before us to the best of our ability. He will never leave or forsake us and His ways are so much better than anything that we could think up ourselves. That is my prayer in life right now. To all of you sweet friends out there who take the time to read my ramblings, I hope this little word from above is encouraging! Believe me, it is not from me, but the one who loves and adores each and everyone of us unconditionally! How gracious He is to fill us with these small glimpses of His goodness and mercy! No matter what is going on in our lives He is always there right beside us, every step of the way! Please know that you are in my prayers this week!

Love and Laughter!

-        -holly

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