Saturday, March 30, 2013

Happy Easter!

Hello friends! I am so excited to give you some updates on my life since I have not posted in forever! I am so sorry, but I have been swamped with school and work and everything else in between! I have got some fashion news, lesson ideas, and cute crafts to share with you! Before I do that though, I wanted to send you some Easter blessings! How blessed we are to live with the hope and love of our Lord and Savior who died on a cross for our sin and mistakes. This week it has been my prayer that the Lord would allow the act of Jesus dying on the cross to truly resonate in my heart and mind. As a child who has been raised in a christian home, and heard the Easter story many times, it is so easy to acknowledge what it is about quickly, and then go on with life. I do not want to do that! The Easter story is the reason I am alive and living with the hope and love of Jesus Christ inside of me! Therefore, it is my responsibility to take that story and the love and hope that goes along with it, and share it with everyone that I am around! It is my prayer everyday that I can live my life, to the best of my ability, just like Jesus did when He was here on this Earth. My prayer for you this Easter is that you realize that too, and not get caught up in the eggs, decorating, candy, and food, but truly reflect on the love that Jesus has for you and me!

Tomorrow is my birthday and I am so excited to be able to celebrate it on the same day as Easter! Today my family and I went to my Meme's house and had an Easter/Birthday celebration! She made my favorite Strawberry cake and it was delicious! Thank you Meme! I Love you so much!

My uncle and I always celebrate our birthdays together because his is March 30th and mine is the 31st!

My cousin Hartley just recently got engaged and here she is showing of her ring! I am so happy for her!

A few weeks ago I did some really fun activities in my classroom involving bugs! Students love this! We actually had real bugs! I have to admit I was a little afraid of them!

Here are some cute ladybug crafts and trade books to use in the classroom! These are simple and informative! A great tool for students to understand the life cycle of a butterfly and other counting activities!

Happy Easter! My mom found these super cute cupcake toppers in the dollar section at Target! I simply made cupcakes, iced them, and then stuck in the bunnies!

Last but not least, if you haven't noticed, I chopped all of my hair off! I couldn't take it any longer, and the tangles were excruciating! I am extremely tender headed and I finally called it quits! It is so much easier to manage and I love the style! Here are some before pictures! I cut off about 8-9 inches!

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