Sunday, March 17, 2013

Let's go for a Hike!

Hi friends! Happy St. Patrick's Day! I know it has been forever since my last post, and I am very sorry about that! After I last posted I had an entire mini-unit that I had to implement into my classroom, and after that it was the race to finish assignments before spring break! Unfortunately, today is the last day of my spring break :( I am sad but I am going to end it by going on a fun hike in the mountains! Yesterday my aunt and I hiked 5 miles on Raven Cliff Falls Trail near Helen, Ga, and today my sister and I are going back to do it again! It is so fun and worth it once you get to the top and see the beautiful waterfall! Today's post is short and sweet, but I just wanted to let ya'll know that I will back later with lots of updates from the past two weeks! The Lord has been doing some pretty awesome work in my life that I want to share with you! I only have 6 more weeks of school now and then I will be finished for good! Hallelujah! I hope you have a relaxing Sunday and try to get outside and enjoy this beautiful weather!

Love and prayers,

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