Sunday, February 24, 2013

The Nosy Nibble!

Here are my two memory verses for this week:
-          “Rather, clothe yourselves with the Lord Jesus Christ, and do not think about how to gratify the desires of the sinful nature.” Romans 13:14
-          “So I say, live by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the sinful nature.” Galatians 5:16
This week I have really been trying to focus on completely consuming every aspect of my life with our Lord and Savior, and not with ideas and materials of this world. Everyday of our lives we are experiencing a spiritual battle between living our lives for the Lord and living our lives for ourselves. We are naturally sinful and constantly desire instant gratification and comfort at all times, but this is not what the Lord desires for us. One large part of my personal testimony has to do with this idea of being comfortable and in control. I was nine years old when I was saved and have always been raised in the church and believed in Christ. The truth is that believing in God and having an active relationship with Him are two very different things. In my life, this active relationship with Him began when I stepped out of my “comfortable” and let go of my “control.” It is amazing how much the Lord has taught me by simply devoting my life to Him daily! WOW! He literally saved my life, and to be quite honest I didn’t even realized it needed saving. Our perspective is so small. In life, it is so easy to get caught up in trying to make it through each day, and keeping our head above water! Christ offers us a hope that is so much bigger than that, and all we have to do is simply give up control to Him daily. As simple as this sound it can be very hard, but that is the beauty of our Savior. He is so simple. He doesn’t promise that it will always be easy, but He does promise He will never forsake us!

I have had some changes regarding my Kupendwa Mission Trip…after much prayer and guidance I feel that the Lord is telling me to wait on this adventure. I was having some reservations about it, and have ultimately decided to wait until next summer to do this. I already have a lot going on this summer with trying to go back to the Dominican Republic and Mexico! I am not sure what all He has planned for me, but I know that He is in control! I will continue to be in  much prayer about what He has for me!
So much savory this week! Since we did not have school on Monday, my week went by fairly quickly (which is a good thing!). On Thursday night, I went to Perspectives and we had an awesome speaker! On Friday, the girls and I went to breakfast at Athen’s Bagels, and it was yummy! I had a bagel with peanut butter. We got to talk and catch up on all of our exciting, and not so exciting events throughout the week! Last night, my sweet friend Hannah had a birthday celebration that I attended! I got to hang out with her family and friends, and we had a great time! We fried a turkey and had dressing, green beans, sweet potato casserole, corn casserole, and chocolate cheese cake for dessert! It was literally thanksgiving all over again! Who would say no to that?! We had so much fun laughing and eating late into the night!
School has actually not been quite as intense this week believe it or not, due to the fact that we had Monday as a holiday! Next week is our Mini-Unit! This is a unit that we (student teachers) have to plan and implement in the classroom all week long! I am very excited about it! My unit is based on Civil Rights. Specifically, we are studying segregation. The students are very interested in this topic, and I have lots of fun activities and discussions to further their knowledge! Tomorrow will be the first day! Fingers crossed!

I can not believe we are already at the midpoint of the semester! I also have a midterm to complete, which hopefully will get done today. As of today, I only have two weeks until spring break! I am really looking forward to this time in order to catch up on some “work” work, and not just “school” work! Please keep me in your prayers throughout this next week!
So What!
-          I am completely nervous about teaching my mini-unit this coming week!
-          I know that I will sleep very little next week due to my mini-unit!
-          My apartment literally has classroom activities literally scattered everywhere!
-          I would love to go to Disney over spring break! I’m obsessed!
-          I made birthday invitations on Shutterfly already for my birthday!

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