Saturday, March 3, 2012

Money Saving March!

Money Saving . . . March
As I have mentioned already, I have decided to initiate operation “Money Saving March!” I am super excited about this adventure! I am the worlds worst with spending money on things that are not necessary. Unfortunately, after bills are paid I tend to not have much leftover and as college students it is mandatory that we SAVE, SAVE, SAVE! I hope that you will take on this challenge with me. I will try to post at least once a week the money that I have saved on anything I spend! Sometimes it helps me to have a goal to work towards as I am saving. That way whenever I am tempted to buy that cute pair of earrings that I don’t really need I can remember my goal! My current goal is a new camera! Good luck and happy saving! Hopefully this is successful!
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 Save and Rave!

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