Thursday, March 8, 2012

Oh my oh my, how the time flies by!

Oh my goodness! It has been almost a week since my last post! I have had a crazy busy week, but the good news is that as of yesterday I started my SPRING BREAK! I am so excited! Unfortunately, I don't have any plans to go to the beach, but a nice relaxing week with no school will be wonderful! I am sorry for not posting my "Monday Movie Review" and my "Tidy Tuesday Tip" for those of you that find those resources useful. Over the weekend and next week I have got some exciting crafts and organizing projects to share with you all that I have been working on. My current goal is to get an Alligator Cupcake Cake finished by Saturday morning for Rylan's birthday! Some great friends of ours are having their little boy, Rylan's birthday Saturday morning and it is reptile themed! I was asked to make the cake and so far it has been super fun! I have been able to really use my imagination and create some really cute decorations! I'll share the pictures with you all on Saturday! I hope you all have a wonderful and relaxing Thursday! I'll be back tomorrow with "For Dinner Friday" and some awesome organizing tips! Steaks are on the grill and I've got to finish helping mom with supper!

  happy thursday!

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