Sunday, July 15, 2012

Out of town...Let's catch up!

1. Lake Fontana
This weekend my family and I went on a exciting vacation getaway to...THE MOUNTAINS! The mountains are my absolute most favorite place to be! I would rather be in the mountains than at the beach anytime. Some friends of ours have a log cabin home on lake Fontana and it is gorgeous! We had so much fun. We went swimming, tubing, knee boarding, played putt putt, rode go carts (Woohoo!), rode four wheelers, ate yummy food, and had an all around amazing trip! Thank you Williams family for sharing your time and blessings with this rowdy crew! This picture is a view from the back porch of the cabin! Just breath taking!


2. Home Sweet Home…
Speaking of the rowdy crew...this week I am staying at the folks house til Saturday. Just like old times! I am letting some out of town guest use my apartment for the week, so off to my old room I go! Believe it or not, it's actually quite nice and comforting. I kind of miss it in ways! (Whoops...I guess I shouldn't admit that) Hopefully the week goes well and they don't get tired of me too fast!

3. What girl can resist COOKIES?
As I mentioned above we ate A LOT of delicious food while we were in the mountains! I am sad to say that my healthy eating habits for the "July Jogging Journey" went out the window and no jogging occured...Whoops! It was all good until the cookies last night! I couldn't resist any longer! They were so yummy. Then today I just ate whatever I wanted, because I figured I might as well since it was the last day of vacation! That's okay though! Hey, nobody is perfect and we all have to give in sometimes. What's important is that we do everything in moderation. Tomorrow morning at 6 am I am headed out for a nice long run and healthy eating habits, here I come! Unfortunately, I forgot about our little vacation when I started that last week. I'm sorry. I will also be posting on my July Jogging Journey tomorrow, and we are just going to act like this weekend never happened! Okay! Done and done.

4. 10 Goals for the week?
1.    Daily “Quiet time and Prayer”
2.   Spend quality time with family!
3.   Don’t be in a hurry!
4.   Daily run and eat healthy
5.   Stretch every night
6.   Create mission trip review letter to send to supporters
7.   CLEAN OUT CAR! Ewww!
8.   Create back to school binders
9.   Create calendar and organize Fall cleaning schedule
10. Organize a household area for my mom!

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