Saturday, December 8, 2012


Lets Catch Up!
Good Morning! It has officially been FOREVER since I have been able to post and enjoy my blog. Yesterday was my last day of school for this semester and it has been long awaited! Just as a reminder I am currently in the Early Childhood Education program at the University of Georgia. I now have one more year of school until I am finished! Whoohoo! The program is divided into four blocks and I have made it through one and two and next semester I will be starting block three! Block three will be my last semester of classes and block four will be completely student teaching in the classroom. This program has definitely been an eye opener for me, and to be quite honest the teaching profession is much different than I expected. Therefore, I am not exactly sure what I am going to do when I finish college yet. I am very interested in missions right now and I would love to be able to use my degree along with that passion! Next semester I am participating in a missions training program and I will see what kinds of opportunities that holds. I will be heading to the Dominican Republic again this summer and I am super excited. I can't wait to get back and see the people and community that I worked in before! Though I have all of the desires I know that the Lord has a plan for my life, and I give Him complete control. He is my everything and I only want what He has for my life, therefore I will just have to see where He leads me! That is fine with me!

Plan for Today!
Obviously, I have so many things to catch up on and do now that I am out of school and Christmas is approaching quickly! First things first! I wanted to let you know that I am going to continue, throughout my Christmas break, to update ya'll on all of my fun activities. I know I will have lots of fun crafts and festivities to share! Let's start with today! Last night my little brother had a sleepover with me and today we have big plans. Here it goes!

1. Clean out car! Ewwww! This is much needed! Just haven't had any time!

2. Make gingerbread houses! As you know this is a christmas tradition for me! One of my dear friends and mentors got me started on this and it is so much fun! You can be so creative!

3. Bake pumpkin cookies and brownies for a christmas dessert party tonight! Yummy! Can't eat too many!

4. Excersice :( At some point today this has to happen! If not, there is no way I will make it through the christmas season!

Okay, I think that is enough for today! I will try to take lots of pictures and post some tomorrow so that you can see all of the fun that we had. Last but not least I want to leave you with an encouraging piece of scripture! This has been such an encouraging verse to me in this season of my life! I give my life fully and completely to God and I know that he will never leave or forsake me! Check out the youtube link I have posted below also! This is a song entitled "Not For a Moment" by Meredith Andrews, it speaks such truth!
Have a blessed day!

"I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh i live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself  for me." Galations 2:20


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