Friday, December 14, 2012

Why Believe?

Why do you believe in God?
Is it?
…because you were raised to?
…because it’s the right thing to do?
…because even though you go through struggles in life He will bring good times?
…because that’s what your family believes?
…because you don’t want to go to hell?
…because He makes life easier?
…because He died on a cross and saved you from your sins?
…because the bible says to?
…because it brings you self-satisfaction?

Are these any of the reasons that flash through your mind when you hear this question? Until about three years ago they where what flashed through my mind when I heard that question. I have been a Christian since I was nine years old, I know that. I have always done the right things in life, had a couple of bumps along the way, but quickly fixed the mistakes. Therefore,  this question is mainly directed to those who have been in church since they were born, been to church every time the doors were open since then, and to this day struggle with the idea of God at times and this particular question I have posed. I’ll be honest I wasn’t raised this way, and have always thought as long as I do all of the right things in life and check of all the boxes I would be ok. I was where God wanted me to be. WRONG! Rule #1, throw rules out the window! Rules and discipline are very important parts of your walk with the Lord, but can only be beneficial when every other part faith is working correctly. Other than that, they are just being used as self-satisfaction tools. Don’t get me wrong, being raised in church your entire life, participating in “Bible Drill”, and memorizing verses are wonderful parts of developing a child’s faith, but there is something missing if that’s all you do! Here is a little secret, you can do all the right things in life; be a good, generous person, and make lots of money, but there is still going to be emptiness in your soul. Only God can fill that space! Okay I’m getting ahead of myself…

                If you have all of the parts to new car spread across your yard and you’re missing the instruction manual on how to put it together then how are you going to drive that new car? What good are all those parts to you? None at all. Without the instruction manual (Bible) for our lives we are helpless. You can try for years and years to put it together to the best of your ability, but you are going to get nowhere. This is exactly how our faith and relationship with God is. We can have every one of the right parts and know all of the right answers to biblical questions, but without that personal relationship with Him none of it means anything. Here is what happens to people like that…the end up living a double life, because they don’t have that personal relationship on an intimate level with Christ in every aspect of their life. They end up living their personal life at particular places and then they live their “God” life at other places. This may not be evident to others and only the individual can know in their own heart what the situation is. If they are a true Christian, trust me, they will be struggling with it. Church, God, and the bible don’t have to be these overwhelming parts of life that intimidate us and things we think we are never going to live up to. NEWS FLASH: I don’t care who you are, YOU WON’T!  God knows that, all He asks us to do is try our best, and then He promises He will take care of the rest! Here is the sweetest thing about all of this, as difficult as we make God and being a Christian, the truth is that it is so simple. God made it that way! We are the ones that make it difficult! We don’t have to worry, we don’t have stress, we only have to trust! God loves us so much and He wants to be apart of every aspect of our lives! If you know all the right answers and try to do all of the right things, but feel like you’re getting nowhere then ask yourself this question: Why do I believe in God? Your answer to that question just might be your answer to your particular struggle.  God is REAL! He knows you’re not perfect and you are going to mess up and make mistakes, but He loves you anyway! Halleluiah! That’s why He died on the cross! All He wants us to do is love and trust Him! That’s it, that simple! Through reading His word, even if it’s hard at first, He will grow in you and allow you to see and understand Him little by little, more an more! The important part is letting go and trusting Him! I constantly tell myself, “Holly, Let go and Let God!” I know it can be scary at times. You will feel scared and lost and alone, but the funny thing is amongst all of that you WILL have an overwhelming peace! Let go of anything and everything you are controlling and give it to God and see what He does with it! He will not fail you!  Let God control your life and not you! HE WILL NOT LET YOU DOWN! I PROMISE!

                So, is your Christianity personal or prideful? Don’t use Christianity or God to impress others or fill self-satisfactions. God is my everything! Without Him I am nothing! Every aspect of my life is for Him to judge and help me through! He only wants me to fully depend on Him! That’s what He wants all of us to do. Unfortunately, we don’t many times and we try to control our own lives and do it our way. We can’t see the big picture, but God can and He will not lead us through failure! “No good does He withhold!” The truth is in having a relationship with God that is so personal that every aspect of your life is lived by it, no matter where you are or what you are going through! GOD IS REAL! HE CAN MOVE MOUNTAINS! HE CAN DO ANYTHING! We are nothing and none of us is better than another! Do you accept everybody every body no matter what? Jesus does!

“And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to Hid purpose!” Romans 8:28

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