Wednesday, December 26, 2012

I Lay Down My Life Lord...

Hey ya'll! I have some very exciting news to tell you about! I have just finished reading this book Kisses from Katie! This is a wonderful book that I strongly recommend everyone to read. This young woman truly lives her life for Christ, and how encouraging it has been to read about all of the amazing things the Lord has done through her life. The main theme of this book is that God is Real, and when you surrender your life to God, He WILL do amazing things through it! How exciting! Before I read this book I had been feeling restlessness in my heart due to trying to figure out what the Lord wanted to do with/through my life. After reading this book, I completely realize and feel in my heart that the Lord wants to use my life for His purposes! Though I don’t know exactly what it is that He has for my life, it is so exciting to simply feel the peace and certainty He offers!

Sometimes, I think we make following the Lord and figuring out what He wants to do with our lives so difficult. The truth is that it is so SIMPLE! All He wants us to do is simply commit our lives to Him fully and He will do extraordinary things. The purpose of my life is simply to be a living, breathing gateway for Him to send His love and grace through to this world. By no means do I feel worthy or capable of God’s work, and the truth is that I am not. But through His love and grace I am able to lay my life down at His feet for Him to do whatever He wants. I cannot explain how freeing and exciting it is to feel this in my heart. All I want is Jesus and He came here to this world, died on a cross, and rose again that I might be able to have this relationship with Him!

Once again I strongly recommend reading this book and visiting Katie’s blog at! As we go into this New Year it is my prayer that whoever reads this blog would know the unconditional love of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! Remember that a life not lived for others is no life at all! Thank you for your support and love. I hope you have a Happy New Year!
In Him

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