Thursday, January 3, 2013

Embracing Struggles!

"The lamp of the Lord searches the spirit of a man. It searches out his inmost being." Proverbs 20|27

As a 22 year old collge student about to graduate, single, and not knowing if the major I chose is what I even want to spend the rest of my life doing, trust me, I struggle! I feel kind of silly saying that because some people might look at my situation and say, Are you kidding? I would love to be in that situation! You have the whole world ahead of you! This got me thinking and I have determined that the way we view our struggles in life is all about perspective. We've all heard the saying, "One man's trash is another man's treasure." Therefore, the things I think are hard in life may be completely easy to some else, and the opposite is true also.

The key to this realization is that God's perspective is the only one that matters. He knows each and everyone of our struggles and cares about them deeply, just as any loving father would. How blessed we are to have a loving father like that! All of that to say, I would like to conclude with this thought| what if the struggles we face are what God uses to make us depend on Him every second of our lives? Huh...thats a different perspective isn't it? Quite encouraging if I may say so myself...

Blessings and Love,

(P.S. The computer that I am using in Mexico to type on does not have a semicolon. I promise my grammer is not this bad!)

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