Monday, January 7, 2013

Mexico Memories

Monday: December 31st
We had quite a long day of traveling on Sunday, therefore Monday morning we caught up on our sleep. For me, this meant sleeping until 7:30. I really tried so hard to stay in bed and rest but I just couldn’t. It is so hard for me to not wake up early every morning; my body just wakes up! So I got up and had some wonderful quiet time with the Lord! I was thankful to be there, and to be quite honest I couldn’t believe it! After everyone woke up we ate a yummy breakfast and Wendy and I headed to the grocery store! On New Year’s Eve Wendy’s family stays up all night long (even the kids) and has a wonderful celebration of the past year with food and fun! We didn’t make it all night, but stayed until 3am. Needless to say, I slept past 7:30 Tuesday morning! It was so much fun and I really enjoyed getting to truly experience their culture and family traditions! Also, they have a really cool tradition where every family member gets 12 grapes in a cup, and throughout the night you eat a grape for each month on the following year and make a wish! How awesome! Definitely a must have for the next New Year! 
This is a picture of the sunrise I woke up to on the first morning!

Tuesday: January 1st- NEW YEARS DAY!
As I said, Tuesday was a much needed recuperation day. We all slept in, and then got up and made a huge breakfast! We had grits, bacon, and fried eggs! Yummy! After breakfast we watched the Georgia football championship and Georgia won! For dinner Wendy made cabbage and sausage and we watched The Vow. Oh how I love that movie!
Wednesday: January 2nd
On Wednesday we had a very busy, fun-filled day! Wendy and her niece Arlene are trying to open a small store in her sister Jolie’s house in Unuk-Ma (not sure if the spelling is right on thatL). First, we went to Mama Lucy’s house and ate lunch which was chicken/rice soup. Let me tell you, it is SO GOOD! After eating we went to Jolie’s house to work in the store. We put up shelving and I played with the kids a lot. I also spent much of my time holding Romina, Arlene’s baby. She is so cute! I was obsessed! After a long day of working we decided we would go to the movies. We saw the movie The Impossible. WOW, is all I have to say about that. WARNING: if you ever want to go on a family vacation again, do not watch this movie. I was so scared! After an eventful movie watching we went home and got some much needed rest.

 On the way to work at the store with Choocho and Camilla!

 I was in charge of baby Romina for a while and I was perfectly fine with that!

Thursday: January 3rd
How could I go to Mexico and not go to the beach?! We went to Progresso Beach and walked the shoreline! The water was way too cold for me to get in. There were some people in it, but I was not brave enough! We had so much fun and I enjoyed smelling the yummy food and feeling the ocean on my toes!
Friday: January 4th
The last day of the trip was probably my favorite! All of Wendy’s family came to our house and cooked a HUGE pot of soup. We ate and ate and ate! It was delicious food! I was so thankful that I didn't get sick. It was so special to get to spend time with the family like that and truly experience their culture. I had so many great conversations with everyone and spent more time with Romina! Yay! How blessed I am to not only have a family in the United States, but to also have one in Mexico as well! Thank you Papa, Wendy, Carol, and all of my other loved ones that made this trip possible for me! Many hugs and kisses!
Gael liked playing with my camera!

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