Tuesday, January 1, 2013

"God can DO what He says He can DO!"

Hola from Mexico! Happy New Year! Today Mama Wendy and I have been working on my Spanish and it is coming along slowly but surely!  Let me be honest, IT IS HARD! I am not going to give up though because I BELIEVE I need to learn it! Speaking of believing, as I sit here in Mexico I realize how big God is and how I constantly have to believe that "He can always DO what He says He can DO!" (ok....so I admit that I am borrowing this phrase from Beth Moore's study "Believing God," which I highly recommend!) So often we say that we believe in God...but do we really BELIEVE in Him? When I say BELIEVE in Him I mean like believing that He can move mountains and perform miracles here and now in 2013! I DO without a shadow of a doubt! As I sit here in this country, I am reminded of that even more, because I wouldn't be here if it wasn't His will. Two days ago I was sitting at home in my comfortable life in Athens, GA and now I am sitting in Mexico looking at a beautiful sunrise and a cool breeze is blowing on my face. Believe me...my God can DO whatever He wants to DO! I completely give all of the glory to Him because He is totally in control and I wouldn't be here if He wasn't.

Last night I was eagerly flipping through the pages of my Bible searching for anything the Lord desired to reveal to me. I came upon the story of Hannah. Here was a woman who truly believed in God, and because  of her faith God gave her a son though she thought she could never have children. Hannah was no hero, but because of her faith God entrusted her to be the mother of the great man, Samuel! God can do extrordinary things with ordinary people who fully and completely BELIEVE in Him! Just to show His greatness God not only gave Hannah a son, but He also gave her several more children. She dedicated her first son, Samuel to God because that is what she promised. In chapter 2 of 1 Samuel there is a beautiful prayer that Hannah says, praising God for the blessing of her son.

As we go into this new year it is my prayer that you and I would have faith like Hannah! Believing every second of everyday  God can DO what He says He can DO! The things He did in the Bible that I read about, I believe He can do now too!

" There is none holy like the Lord. There is no one besides you. There is no rock like our God."
 1 Samuel 2|2

with love,

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